Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996

Biology of Reproduction

The full issue is now available at academic.oup.com/biolreprod/issue/55/6
ISSN 0006-3363
EISSN 1529-7268


Selection of the Dominant Follicle in Cattle

Author: O.J. Ginther, M.C. Wiltbank, P.M. Fricke, J.R. Gibbons, K. Kot
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1187–1194,

Fate of the Sperm Mitochondria, and the Incorporation, Conversion, and Disassembly of the Sperm Tail Structures during Bovine Fertilization

Author: Peter Sutovsky, Christopher S. Navara, Gerald Schatten
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1195–1205,

Dissociation in the Control of Cervical Eosinophilic Infiltration and Collagenolysis at the End of Pregnancy or after Pseudopregnancy in Ovariectomized Steroid-Treated Rats

Author: Enrique H. Luque, Jorge G. Ramos, Horacio A. Rodriguez, Monica M. Muñoz de Toro
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1206–1212,

Modulation of Clusterin Gene Expression in the Rat Mammary Gland during Pregnancy, Lactation, and Involution

Author: Lars E. French, Jesús V. Soriano, Roberto Montesano, Michael S. Pepper
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1213–1220,

Ontogeny of Estrogen Receptor Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expression in the Postnatal Rat Uterus

Author: Renata B. Fishman, William S. Branham, Randal D. Streck, Daniel M. Sheehan
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1221–1230,

Pattern of 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expression in the Ovine Uterus during the Estrous Cycle and Pregnancy

Author: K. Yang, M. Fraser, M. Yu, M. Krkosek, J.R.G. Challis …
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1231–1236,

Reinitiation of Spermatogonial Mitotic Differentiation in Inactive Old BDF1 Mouse Seminiferous Tubules Transplanted to W/Wv Mouse Testis

Author: Kentaro Tanemura, Yoshiakira Kanai, Masami Kanai-Azuma, Masamichi Kurohmaru, Kazunao Kuramoto …
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1237–1242,

Identification of Specific Relaxin-Binding Cells in the Cervix, Mammary Glands, Nipples, Small Intestine, and Skin of Pregnant Pigs

Author: Gyesik Min, O.D. Sherwood
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1243–1252,

Interstitial Collagen Synthesis and Processing in Human Amnion: A Property of the Mesenchymal Cells

Author: M. Linette Casey, Paul C. MacDonald
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1253–1260,

Potential Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase during Meiosis Resumption in Bovine Oocytes

Author: Rafael A. Fissore, Chang Li He, George F. Vande Woude
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1261–1270,

Steroidogenic Factor-1 Expression is Transiently Repressed and c-myc Expression and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis are Induced in Rat Granulosa Cells during the Periovulatory Period

Author: Puja Agarwal, John J. Peluso, Bruce A. White
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1271–1275,

Relaxin Modulates the Ovulatory Process and Increases Secretion of Different Gelatinases from Granulosa and Theca-Interstitial Cells in Rats

Author: Jiuan-Jiuan Hwang, Sui-Wen Lin, Chen-Hsien Teng, Ferng-Chun Ke, Ming-Ting Lee
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1276–1283,

RU486-Treated Rats Show Endocrine and Morphological Responses to Therapies Analogous to Responses of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treated with Similar Therapies

Author: Antonio Ruiz, Rafaela Aguilar, María Tébar, Francisco Gaytán, José E. Sánchez-Criado
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1284–1291,

Regulation of Blastocoele Formation by Intracellular Calcium Release is Mediated through a Phospholipase C-Dependent Pathway in Mice

Author: James J. Stachecki, D. Randall Armant
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1292–1298,

Effect of Oocytectomy on Glycosaminoglycan Composition during Cumulus Expansion of Porcine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes Cultured in Vitro

Author: Taisuke Nakayama, Maki Inoue, Eimei Sato
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1299–1304,

Molecular Cloning and Characterization of an Estrogen-Dependent Porcine Oviductal Secretory Glycoprotein

Author: W.C. Buhi, I.M. Alvarez, I. Choi, B.D. Cleaver, F.A. Simmen
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1305–1314,

Meiotic Abnormalities of c-mos Knockout Mouse Oocytes: Activation after First Meiosis or Entrance into Third Meiotic Metaphase

Author: Kazushi Araki, Kunihiko Naito, Seiki Haraguchi, Rika Suzuki, Minesuke Yokoyama …
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1315–1324,

Surface Area and volume measurements for Ram and Human Spermatozoa

Author: M.R. Curry, J.D. Millar, S.M. Tamuli, P.F. Watson
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1325–1332,

Growth Factor Control of Cultured Rat Uterine Stromal Cell Proliferation is Progesterone Dependent

Author: Marta Piva, Oliver Flieger, Virginia Rider
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1333–1342,

Self-Interaction of the Major 27-Kilodalton Outer Dense Fiber Protein is in Part Mediated by a Leucine Zipper Domain in the Rat

Author: Xueping Shao, Frans A. van der Hoorn
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1343–1350,

Effects of Passive Immunization against Inhibin-Peptide on Secretion of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Ovulation Rate in Ewes Carrying the Booroola Fecundity Gene

Author: J.E. Wheaton, D.L. Thomas, N.T. Kusina, R.G. Gottfredson, R.L. Meyer
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1351–1355,

Expression of Messenger Ribonucleic Acids of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Proteins-2, -4, and -5 in the Ovine Ovary: Localization and Changes during Growth and Atresia of Antral Follicles

Author: Nathalie Besnard, Claudine Pisselet, Danielle Monniaux, Alain Locatelli, Francis Benne …
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1356–1367,

In Situ Demonstration of Germinal Cell Apoptosis during Diethylstilbestrol-Induced Testis Regression in Adult Male Syrian Hamsters

Author: Denis Nonclercq, Delphine Reverse, Gerard Toubeau, Jean-François Beckers, Jose Sulon …
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1368–1376,

Effects of Continuous Inhibin Administration on Gonadotropin Secretion and Subunit Gene Expression in Immature and Adult Male Rats

Author: Stephen J. Winters, Clifford R. Pohl, Adedayo Adedoyin, Gary R. Marshall
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1377–1382,

Synergistic Effect of Alanine and Glycine on Bovine Embryos Cultured in a Chemically Defined Medium and Amino Acid Uptake by in Vitro-Produced Bovine Morulae and Blastocysts

Author: Eun-Song Lee, Yutaka Fukui
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1383–1389,

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Proteins in Bovine Serum and Follicular Fluid before and after the Preovulatory Surge of Luteinizing Hormone

Author: R.N. Funston, G.E. Seidel, Jr., J. Klindt, A.J. Roberts
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1390–1396,

Isolation and Culture of Microvascular Endothelial Cells from the Primate Corpus Luteum

Author: Lane K. Christenson, Richard L. Stouffer
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1397–1404,

Identification of Hydrolase Binding Activities of the Acrosomal Matrix of Hamster Spermatozoa

Author: Subir K. NagDas, Virginia P. Winfrey, Gary E. Olson
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1405–1414,

Relaxin and Decidualization in Mice: A Reappraisal

Author: C.A. Finn, M.D. Pope, S.R. Milligan
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1415–1418,

Follicular 3β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and Cytochromes P450 17α-hydroxylase and Aromatase Messenger Ribonucleic Acids in Cattle Undergoing Superovulation

Author: K. Soumano, D.W. Silversides, F. Doizé, C.A. Price
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1419–1426,

Resumption of Meiosis is Initiated by the Accumulation of Cyclin B in Bovine Oocytes

Author: Johanne T. Lévesque, Marc-André Sirard
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1427–1436,

Changes in Ovarian Function and Gonadotropin Secretion Preceding the Onset of Nutritionally Induced Anestrus in Bos indicus Heifers

Author: F.M. Rhodes, K.W. Entwistle, J.E. Kinder
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1437–1443,

Ovarian Intrabursal Administration of Transforming Growth Factor β1 Inhibits Follicle Rupture in Gonadotropin-Primed Mice

Author: Subhash C. Juneja, Nasser Chegini, R. Stan Williams, George A. Ksander
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1444–1451,

Relaxin-Like Factor Gene is Highly Expressed in the Bovine Ovary of the Cycle and Pregnancy: Sequence and Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Analysis

Author: Ross Bathgate, Marga Balvers, Nicholas Hunt, Richard Ivell
Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1452–1457,



Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Page 1458,

Ad Hoc Reviewers

Ad Hoc Reviewers

Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1460–1462,

Author Index

Author Index

Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1463–1465,

Subject Index

Subject Index

Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1466–1470,

Volume Contents

Volume Contents

Biology of Reproduction, Volume 55, Issue 6, 1 December 1996, Pages 1471–1477,